Banking details
Bank and postal accounts details.
Please take note that taking effect immediately, our bank is subject to stricter guidelines in accordance with international standards regarding the acceptance of the contributions the employers pay in for you as well as your own personal contributions. From now on, you must indicate first that the bank’s client is CPIC followed by the beneficiary’s name and membership number. The reference shall mention if it is a personal payment or a contribution from an employeur.
Please follow carefully the detailed instructions below.
Bank transfer
Beneficiary: CPIC – 51, rue du Stand – CH-1204 Geneva
Beneficiary’s account number (IBAN): CH4308760000008569100
Beneficiary’s bank: Lombard Odier & Cie SA, Geneva
Clearing: 8760
Reference: “personal payment or contribution for Mr,Mrs or Ms…, I….”
Postal payments
Postal Account: 12-2150-0, Lombard Odier & Cie SA, Geneva
In favour of CPIC
Account number (IBAN): CH4308760000008569100
Reference: “personal payment or contribution for Mr,Mrs or Ms…, I….”