The supreme body of CPIC

54th CPIC General Assembly - June 1st, 2024 in Brussels

Beneficiaries present: 16

Beneficiaries participating remotely: 33

Beneficiaries represented: 78

Proxies not attributed: 0

Recruitment of new beneficiaries

In the course of 2023, the Foundation Council once again focused on stepping up the dialogue with the new generation of interpreters and encouraging them to join CPIC. Information meetings were held both in-person and virtually for students at interpreting schools and interpreters working on the institutional and/or private market. The CPIC presentation brochure was distributed in paper form and digitally. Encouraging results have been achieved in terms of the number of members joining CPIC over the past few years.

Sustainability report of the euro growth portfolio

The Foundation Council presented an annual sustainability report on the investment management for the euro growth portfolio (Segment A). The report shows what has already been achieved in this respect and sets out the necessary benchmarks for further improving on the portfolio’s sustainability.

This also provided an opportunity to explain the contents of CPIC’s Sustainable Development Charter and to remind members that the sustainability standards are applied while still respecting the principles of returns and security of investments.

For many years, CPIC has also actively engaged with companies as a shareholder through the ESG campaigns run by the Ethos Foundation.

Importance of regular savings

The Foundation Council also wishes to emphasise the importance of regular savings (contributions from international institutions and/or personal payments) invested over the long term in occupational pension provision.

Regular savings are ultimately rewarded at the time of retirement, as is shown by the example of a long-term investment set out on the website at

This message is aimed at encouraging young interpreters to join CPIC from their first contract.

Members can view a projection of their personal savings by using the savings calculator provided at

Personal Paiements

The Foundation Council would like to remind beneficiaries that, during years when they do not receive any contributions, INCLUDING DURING PERIODS OF PROFESSIONAL RETRAINING, their CPIC membership is maintained and their capital continues to grow. Beneficiaries may make personal contributions of up to CHF 46,000 or EUR 46,000 per year at any time in order to increase their retirement savings.


The Assembly re-elected Anne-Marie ARBAJI-SFEIR and Françoise LANDGRAF as members of the Foundation Council.

Following the retirement of Daniel ANDRÉ, whose unflagging commitment since 1989 was warmly acclaimed, the Assembly elected a new member, Ms Valentina de GIRONCOLI, a beneficiary domiciled in Brussels.

Anne-Marie ARBAJI-SFEIR is replacing Daniel ANDRÉ as Vice-President of the Foundation Council.

Reminder to beneficiaries

If there is any change in your address, your name or your e-mail, please do not forget to inform the secretariat.

If you have not communicated your e-mail address yet, think of informing the secretariat.

Chek whether you need to update your beneficiary’s clause.