By interpreters for interpreters
CPIC was set up in 1970 by interpreters for interpreters. Its supreme statutory body is the General Assembly, a gathering of all its beneficiaries. Conference interpreters have thus been at the heart of the Fund for more than fifty years.
Customised benefits
CPIC’s benefits are calculated on the basis of interpreters’ needs. We offer a high degree of flexibility, which puts us in a better position to react to the vagaries of the interpreting profession.
A high added-value service
Our Secretariat is there to present our benefits to you, so that you can choose which ones to combine to create the financial solution for retirement that best suits your situation. We work with partners who are leaders in their fields, allowing us to offer you the best solutions.
A dependable institution
Being a non-profit private pension-fund foundation, we are subject to supervision by ASFIP (the supervisory authority for foundations and occupational pension schemes of the Canton of Geneva). The only interest we have to serve is that of our beneficiaries, who have the final word in our activity through their participation in the General Assembly.
An institution with a proud performance
Our track record to date is one of excellent performance, and our level of charges is transparent and reasonable, being based on real costs. In Switzerland we benefit from tax exemption on our beneficiaries’ contributions as well as on accumulated wealth and returns on it.