Geneva,  January 15, 2025


CPIC GENERAL ASSEMBLY  May 24th 2025, in Paris

Candidatures for election to the Foundation Board


The Foundation Board Members are elected for a 3-year term and are eligible for re-election (art. 23 Statutes).


One Member of the Foundation Board has completed her term of office and has decided to stand again (art. 23 Statutes) :

Mrs Stefka IVANOVA, beneficiary, domiciled in France.


Following the resignation for personal reasons of the President, Anne TROILET, the Foundation Board proposes that the General Assembly elects a new President (art. 17c Statutes):

Mr. Olivier BLUCHE, non- beneficiary, domiciled in  Switzerland.

His candidature will be available on the website within the statutory deadline  for calling the General Assembly.



In accordance with the procedure for the application of active beneficiaries for the position of Member of the Foundation Board (art. 17 By Laws) :

  • candidatures must be sent in writing to the CPIC Secretariat before April 8, 2025, with the indication of the legal place of residence and a curriculum vitae to which, in accordance with usual practice, a letter of motivation will be attached;


  • the candidatures submitted will be sent to the Beneficiaries in due time.



N.B.     Candidates should bear in mind that the Foundation Board usually meets on Fridays and Saturdays and that communication between the Members of the Board and the Secretariat for the purpose of consultation and in the interest of expediency is by telephone and e-mail.