In partnership with Rentes Genevoises

Under the CPIC pension system,  active beneficiaries, hereinafter “the beneficiaries”, have the option of choosing to have a retirement or survivor’s pension paid through a collective pension reinsurance contract agreed directly between CPIC and the mutual insurance fund to Rentes Genevoise Ausurance pour la vieillesse (hereinafter “the reinsurer”).

Rentes Genevoises is an independent public-law legal entity with social aims. The reinsurer is supervised by the State of Geneva. The pensions paid out are guaranteed by the State of Geneva.

The contracting of annuities does not have any impact for CPIC’s balance sheet. Indeed the annuity payments are entirely subscribed through Rentes Genevoises, after the transfer of the necessary premium.

Download the Pension Scheme Directive
Annuity calculation rates in CHF for immediate payment for men and women
Annuity calculation rates in EUR for immediate payment for men and women

Click here to view the “Rentes Genevoises” website
Loi sur les Rentes Genevoises
Règlement sur les Rentes Genevoises